Are you stuck in your head??

December 2023

Sometimes we get so wrapped up in the stories we tell ourselves that we can’t get out of our own perspective…believing it’s “this way or the highway.”

Do these 5 things to get OUT of your head and let go of unhelpful thoughts!

1. Just breathe. Sixty seconds of breathing in and out will quickly bring you to a calmer state.

2. Get outside. Take a walk or run without ear pods/headphones. No need to have chatter streaming through your ears when trying to decide or figure something out.

3. Focus on what you CAN control.

4. List 3 of your top strengths or accomplishments.

5. Ask yourself “Is there evidence to support this thought?”


To accept it or not accept it…that’s up to you.

Have a Zenatudinal Day!



– The calm of Zen combined with a bold, positive attitude. –

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