What’s Your Big Rock?

January 2024

I’m an avid beach runner and the other day decided to just walk and enjoy the extremely low tide. 

Strolling along, I noticed all the different colors of small rocks and then the huge rocks that normally don’t stick out because there’s usually more sand on the beach.

Walking back, I was reminded of Stephen R. Covey’s Rock Theory… big rocks represent our top priorities, and the little rocks represent the stuff we must get done.

Our big rocks can be spending time with loved ones, a project you want to accomplish, your faith, education, finances, volunteering, or mentoring others.

What I enjoyed most about my Beach Rock-Walk was that I let myself explore and think and enjoy the natural sounds rather than listening to a podcast as I often do when I run.

Sometimes cutting out the noise and paying attention will give way to more creativity, productive thoughts, problem solving and mental clarity. It can also help you figure out what the big ROCKs are in your life. 😀

Have a Rockin’ Zenatudinal Day!


Tamra Leigh


– The calm of Zen combined with a bold, positive attitude. –

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